@ cap lol prolly. Let's nip that in the bud now:
if Protestants came from Catholics why are there still Catholics?
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
@ cap lol prolly. Let's nip that in the bud now:
if Protestants came from Catholics why are there still Catholics?
what is god's spirit?
i ask this of those who believe in god.
Evolution is not a difficult concept to understand.
look at dogs. There are many different kinds of dog all classified as Dog. Not all dogs are k-9s. All dogs came from wolves. Wolves are k-9. So over a long period of time through breeding all current kinds of dog came from wolves as their common ancestor, but not all are k-9 and those dogs cannot mate with k-9.
this is what happened with humans. Humans and monkeys are primates. They come come from a common ancestor like dogs all come from wolves.
This is the best way I can think of to explain evolution. It's a bottom up design of gradual change over billions of years through which only the good enough to survive will make it and pass on their genes. It's a very simple concept to understand, unfortunately people who want to deny it will never accept it no matter the evidence or logic.
it finally happened.. years ago i speculated on this happening but can't find the posts.
anyway, this is a tactically aggressive move by wt.
I'm not sure I see this including people like us. The article specifically says that an antichrist must claim to represent Jesus or deny that he actually lived.
i do neither of these things. I have no proof he didn't live and i never claim to speak on his behalf.
Maybe people who are still 'in' will see it differently, but I think this is just talking about other religions and people who have left to join them.
would you do a ray franz deal and write a book or keep quiet and live out the rest of your life in bethel?.
would you keep reading the watchtower magazine?.
In all honesty, recognizing how emotionally troubling it was after only 26 years id probably kill myself. I'm just being honest. The thoughts were there for years during the time I doubted and one night I probably would have died if not for my best friend. So after 80 years? I'm confident I'd kill myself.
This is why while I will aggressively work to end this religion going forward I will not try to bring people out all the time. Some people just wouldn't benefit from that at all, they may not be able to handle it.
it would seam that the changing of the type anti-type teaching kills their claim as the faithful and discreet slave class as it is only a parable according to peter at luke 12:41. obviously i don't think they will ever come out and actually say that the f&ds is just a parable, so when one asks what will the answer be, to spin out of this obvious problem?.
also what do you think is the reason for the change in this teaching?
is it more to do with getting rid of doctrine that can be criticized or could it be that they are trying to make it as though they are really not in control of the congregations so as to say we aren't responsible when the prosecution comes knocking over future pedophile case?
I dont know know where people are getting this idea from. Peter is very clearly talking about the foregoing parable Jesus had just concluded about readiness. Jesus answers peters question about the parable by asking him a question that only he and the disciples knew the answer to, "who really is the faithful and wise steward?"
peter and the other disciples witnessed Jesus give Peter the Keys of the Kingdom in Matt 16:19 thus appointing him as the house servant (faithful slave). The steward was a cultural custom of the Jews going back over a thousand years. The appointment of this steward was always demonstrated by the master giving him his keys (compare Isa 22:20-22, where the exact same verbiage is used in the exact same event).
The Watchtower is completely ignorant of this cultural custom, or if they aren't they choose to ignore it because recognizing it eliminates their claim to the title.
but my purpose in elaborating like this is to show that the faithful steward is absolutely NOT a parable. It was a real custom back then, dating back ages.
how many times have elders read their bible in its entirety?
these are the leaders that give counsel to married couples, to teenagers, to single girls and single boys on everything from marriage, education, sex, association, dress, and recreation..
how well do they know their bible?
No. This is a hilarious question.
I once wrote an email to an elder with citation down to the page to a reference showing who the faithful slave actually was with both scriptural and cultural evidence and they said I was wrong.
if you are able to join this discussion it may pay off.
hopefully .
facebook discussion .
if you are able to join this discussion it may pay off.
hopefully .
facebook discussion .
If you are able to join this discussion it may pay off. hopefully
if you are a current practitioner of some religious faith i would appreciate it if you abstained from this thread entirely.
im curious if anyone has had what could be discribed as a spiritual experience.
i'm currently reading sam harris book waking up and it's very good so far.
im glad you're gonna check it out. I'm trying to post a pic of a certain page that I think will address what your saying but I'm having trouble getting it to upload. It's page 6.
i uploaded it to a site and here's the link:
august 2015 awake .
quote in title taken from article footnote.. anyone have information on who gene hwang and yan-der hsuuw in the article are?.
why do they repeatedly state that apes turned to humans when that's not what evolutionists teach at all?.
cappytan4 hours ago
I can't believe they f*cking quoted RICHARD EFFING DAWKINS in this article!
The “words” and “sentences” in DNA make up the various “recipes” that direct the production of proteins and other substances that form the building blocks of the various cells that make up the body. For example, the “recipe” might guide the production of bone cells, muscle cells, nerve cells, or skin cells. “The filament of DNA is information, a message written in a code of chemicals, one chemical for each letter,” wrote evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. “It is almost too good to be true, but the code turns out to be written in a way that we can understand.”WHAT THE HELL? They're quoting him to support their lie that complexity means a creator!
Everyone needs to light up Dawkins on Twitter NOW. If he sees that's I think they'll have made an enemy who tirelessly destroys them. I tweeted him also.